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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cricket- How to swing a ball

Tips to swing a ball is simple but quite difficult also because there are only a few bowlers are there presently or the legends bowler who have their control on ball completely therefore they are still remembered, here the method for swinging the ball is present but all the need is to pay attention while doing practice.
 So we start with the Bowling action as we know the spinners and seamers have a great difference in their bowling action and variations first of all the bowler impression is very important to show how good you are in your game so you will have to choose a proper running start and at the end before delivering bowl, a small jump will be required. The next step is this you will take the bowl and search for it i.e. you will find the rough and shining side of bowl. Shining side and rough side are the things which play important role in swinging bowl so take the bowl choose the shiny side and hold it according to your swing type. For example if you want to swing on the off-side you will put shining side on left and if you want to deliver leg-side swing you will have to put it on the right side.

On the other hand the one thing which is some time which is beneficial fr bowler is the "bouncer", for bouncer the shining side is put towards your face you deliver ball on the short length.

Bowling have four variation out-swing, in-swing, yorker, bouncer and short.

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